Fundraise with our 21-Day Challenge!
Our 21-Day Challenge is a completely online, comprehensive CPR and First Aid Course that can be done in 10-15 minutes/day for 21 days.
Designed for parents, caregivers, nature-based educators and anyone who spends time outside so that participants can Decrease Anxiety, Increase Self-Reliance, and Adventure with Abandon.
We invite a maximum of 5 programs per month to receive 1/2 of all revenue generate by their audience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the recipient need to be a non-profit?
We are happy to consider all mission-driven programs. We have definitely found, though, that having a particular project or stated use for the funds generates significantly more interest and enrollments.
When does it start?
We start the 21-Day Challenge on the 1st day of every month. You can request a particular month to align with other fundraising efforts.
Will I be competing with other local programs for enrollments?
We do our very best to limit the number of programs participating in any one month in any geographic area.
How do I engage my audience around this?
We will generate and customize all the necessary marketing materials - graphics, images, and text copy. We ask that you email them to your audience 3-4 times leading up to the start. The greatest success has been 2 weeks prior, 5 days prior, 3 days prior, and 1 day prior to the start of the program.
How much can we expect to earn?
The cost of the course is $97 and we will issue you 50% of all course revenue minus credit card fees.
How do I know who enrolled so I can thank them?
You will be set up with a dashboard where you can view your program's enrollments and revenue earned.